Worship for February 6th, 2022

Speaker: The Rev. Dr. Ginger Brasher-Cunningham
February 6, 2022
Child of God ASCAP WorkID: 891911216
composer: Mark Andrew Miller IPI#: 727799093
Publisher Choristers Guild IPI#: 625543256
used with permission under WORSHIPcast license #12315
Child of God
No matter what people say or think about me, I am a child of God.
No matter what people say or think about you, you are a child of God.
No matter what the world says or thinks about me, I am a child of God.
No matter what the church says, decisions, pronouncements on you, you are a child of God.
And there is no thing, or no one who can separate you from the truth
that you’re someone, you are family, you are meant to be a child of God!
It's Okay to Cry
I don't mean to reproach you by saying this
I know that scares you
All of the big occasions you might have missed
No, I accept you
And I don't even need to know your reasons
It's okay
I think you sometimes forget
I would know you best
I hope you don't take this the wrong way
But I think your inside is your best side
I, was that a teardrop in your eye?
I never thought I'd see you cry
Just know whatever hurts, it's all mine
It's okay to cry
I can see the truth through all the lies
And even after all this time
Just know you've got nothing to hide
It's okay to cry
I remember one time you were lost
I came to find you
And I knocked on your front door
That was you I'd never seen before
And I saw the magazine you were reading
And I read the page
And if I had just one single wish
Wish I could have said this
It's okay to cry
There's a world inside you
I wanna know what it feels like
I wanna go there with you
'Cause we've all got a dark place
Maybe if, if we shine some light there
It won't be so hard
I want to know those parts of you